
How KFC’s Colonel Sanders Failed 1009 Times




We love KFC! But do you the man efforts behind this big brand? The man behind KFC is colonel sanders, and his life journey was an inspiring story for all of us. Believe me; he is the man who fails 1009 times before getting success.

Let’s start from the beginning:

When Colonel Sanders was six years old, his father passed away. He lost his father, so his mother takes the responsibility of children. Colonel mother works full day, that’s why he has to take care of his siblings. So at the age of 6, he started cooking and taking care of his family. At the age of 7, he becomes a skilled cook. When he was ten years old, he began work on a farm. 

After two years his mother remarried to a violent man who didn’t like kids. So Sanders decided to left home, he was 13 years old when he dropped out the school and home and looked at a painting horse carriages job. In 15 he joined the US army and when was 18 he got married and started a family. He had two daughters and a son. But sadly his son deads at a very young age. His wife left him after this incident.

Colonel Sanders spent his half-life in working many odd jobs includes insurance, tires seller, farmer, steamboat pilot, secretary, lawyer and much more. He was known for not being able to keep an appointment for a more extended period. So he was fired very often.

At the age of 40, Colonel Sanders began selling chicken dishes. People start loving his chicken, and his restaurant becomes bigger in which 140 capacity user can sit. In the next decade, he developed his “Secret Recipe” for frying chicken. Life was going good, but more failure still waiting for him. At the age of 65, his restaurant went broke. After losing everything, he had to sign for a social security job. 

He never stopped believing in his dream; he was 65, broke and retired. He didn’t give up and use his first security check “to travel across the united state to search a business partner for his secret recipe” which was $105.

He was surviving with little food, living in his car, that time was the hardest time of his life. He was facing rejection after rejection. But giving up was never an option for him. He tries over and over again. Colonel Sanders was rejected 1009 times before his chicken recipe was accepted. 

His good days started, and soon Colonel Sanders had 600 franchises because of his secret recipe. But the company was expanding rapidly, and it becomes a bit overwhelming for the old Sanders. So he sold the company for $2 million but remained as a spokesperson. He died at the age of 90. Today there over 20,000 KFC around the world.

He is the person who rejected more than 1000 times, and almost his entire life failed at every job. He became the founder of billion dollars brand.

One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better.” — Colonel Sanders


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