
Motivational Success Story Of Stan Lee




The man behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Stan Lee. Stan lee grew up in New York City in a poor family. His enormous success was after a series of failures and struggles. Things didn’t happen overnight. Despite the setbacks, he never chose to give up. His story proves to ba an inspiration and is a perfect example of a rags to riches tale.

Right from his childhood, Stan Lee faced a lot of problems and setbacks. His family struggled for money because his father was unemployed most of the time. Stan Lee understands his family situation and decided to work when he was in high school. He did many jobs since high school: he was an office boy, delivered sandwiches, he was an usher and many more. The hard times didn’t pull back his confidence, he was only more motivated to make it big in life. He was an epitome of persistence and hard work.

As a child, he loved to read and write books, his mother support, motivate him. She always had the greatest compliments for Lee.

“I probably got myself conference from the fact that my mother said everything I did was brilliant. I always assume I could do anything. It is incredible how much that has to do with your attitude.”

When he was 17 years old, he was hired as an office assistant at timely comics that would later involve into marvel comics. At the start, he had the most mundane job. Like feeling Inkwells, go down and by lunch for everyone, erase pages and proofread. His determination and willingness to do Something in his life was incredible. He always works hard no matter how small it is. Soon he becomes an interim editor for the company. With baby steps, he started his journey to begin building a universe of characters that everybody loves.

His immense talent and confidence aided him throughout his journey. He created fantastic superheroes iron Man, Hulk, X-Men and many more. But one time he almost quit. His publisher asked Lee to come up with the new superhero. He kept trying again and again. He learnt from each of his failures and went ahead chasing his dreams.

Failure Before Success

Start thinking about a new superhero, one day he saw a fly on the wall and thought what a fantastic thing. It would be if a superhero could stick to walls and crawl on them. And this is how Spiderman was born.

Stan Lee wanted to do Something Different with this character. He wanted the same to create different from the rest. So Lee gave him personal problems and made him a teenager.

He was so excited to share this great idea with his publisher’s office. But the publisher reaction was totally unexpected. They said, “that is the worst idea, have ever heard”, “first of all people hate spider can’t call a book Spider-Man. Secondly, can’t be a teenager, images can be only sidekicks. And third, he can’t have personal problems if he is supposed to be a superhero.” Don’t you know who a superhero is?

Game changer Stan Lee

Stan Lee feels devastated and wanted to quit. But Something incredible happened, Company magazine didn’t sell well it was about to shutdown. They were releasing the last issue for the magazine. Nobody was caring about what would be on the last cover. So Stan Lee stands for the company and put spider Man on the cover.

Just because of the cover of the magazine people started buying the last magazine. People love that character because it was totally inspected character. It became so popular that is publisher fell in love with Spider-Man.

With his powerful imagination and hard work, Stan lee transform marvel comics from a small publishing house to a billion-dollar brand.

So “If you have an idea that you genuinely think it’s good, don’t let some idiot talk you out of it.”

If there is Something that you feel is good Something, that means Something to you, try to do it. Because I think you can only do your best work if you are doing what you want to do.

Whatever you do give it your best shot, you’ll be glad you did it. Never be afraid of failures and always be ready to take risks in life. Failures and struggles are a part of life. What matters the most is how we walk past these with utmost determination and dedication.

Recent Update:

In June 2022, Marvel signed a 20-year long licensing contract with Stan Lee Universe in collaboration with Genius Brands International and POW! Entertainment. Through the deal, Stan Lee will be digitally resurrected in films, TV series, and theme parks. Moreover, he’ll be seen on commercials and merchandises. However, the deal does not include featuring Stan Lee on video games or VR. The digital resurrection will be carried out by using Stan Lee’s archived audio and video recordings. It has become possible because Marvel has the rights to use Stan Lee’s name, voice, and signature exclusively for theme parks, cruise lines and other merchandises. 

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Where was Stan Lee born?

Stan Lee was born in Manhattan, New York City, in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents.

With the help of his uncle Robbie Solomon, where did Lee become an assistant in 1939?

At the new Timely Comics division of pulp magazine and comic-book publisher Martin Goodman’s company.

In the 1950s, Lee teamed up with his comic book colleague Dan DeCarlo to produce what?

The syndicated newspaper strip , My Friend Irma, based on the radio comedy starring Marie Wilson.


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