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Vivan Marwaha | Author who Focused Millennial Problems 



Vivan Marwaha

Vivan Marwaha is a young millennial and a researcher who is mainly in talk for his famous book “What Millennial Want”. Millennials 21st-century young adults struggle so much to bring up the things to equality in society.

 To understand 21st adults are so calm and cool always chilling with their own vibe. But ever thought to understand what they want? What’s going on in there life minds? We never bothered. Someone among them thought and did so much research overall and finally bought them in form of words. So let’s see what these words give information about youngsters.

Early life Vivan Marwaha

Vivan Marwaha graduated in the year 2017, from Claremont McKenna College in Seattle, Washington. Majored in International relations with a focus on the development of economics. 

Currently working as user research and product marketing in Fintech and Edtech products to expand economics and to access education for the left-outs.

He has lived and worked in New Delhi, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and Buenos Aires, and has written for the Washington Post, New Statesman, Mint, and Times of India, among other publications.

Career of Vivan Marwaha

Vivan Marwaha is a columnist for a few newspapers like the Times of India etc. At the age of 22, he started writing a book based on the most inspiring Indian sensation think tank topic.

Thinking of starting of book is not so easy and needs background information. So, in 2018 he started research on millennials overwide. Accordingly, there are 440 million millennial’s in India. 

Research for Millennials

As part of the research, he conducted more than 900 interviews across 13 Indian states, traveling around 30000km. And investigating education levels; economic aspirations; social media usage; attitudes towards sex, religion, marriage, gender; and political behavior.

Also involved in many campaign trails in the 2018 and 2019 elections, and camped out in small-town India. Visited regularly jobs fairs, finishing schools, coaching centers, snack stalls, and even beauty salons. Finally,  with all the research came to paper as floods of words forming into non-fiction edit as “What Millennials Want” and released on 30th August.

About “What Millennial Want”

To say about the book “What Millennials Want” in two words is its combination of “Aspiring and Anxiety” of the millennial. This describes millennials are aspired to do things that are destined to reach goals and find many opportunities to grow to have a standard of life. Similarly,  they are also anxious about lack of opportunities, stagnant job growth, varying prices, and moreover unemployment. 

So, explaining the millennial choices, options, needs, and struggles Marwaha concludes in his book as India’s millennials are defined by their diversity, talent, and potential, and they stand at a crossroads. In addition, he says this generation has bold action.

What Millennials Want

Inspiring story

The book has been reprinted twice and rated a “top nonfiction book for 2021” by GQ India. And also recognized as under the 30 Asia list by Forbes 30.

He has also been a speaker at Colombia University and Claremont McKenna College, and also he was part of TEDx talks – The Invisible social power of Technology

Looking forward he is ideating his own social impact startup that would combine technology with shrinking the opportunity gap. Also mentioned that thinking about the next book.

Also Read: Colleen Hoover | Inspiring story of the American author

who are Millennial?

Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in 2019) is considered a Millennial, and anyone born from 1997 onward is part of a new generation.

Where can buy book "What Millennial want"

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