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Rudyard Kipling | The success story of author of the Jungle Book




Rudyard Kipling was an English author famous for an array of works like ‘Just So Stories,’ ‘If’ and ‘The Jungle Book.’ He received the 1907 Nobel Prize in Literature. He introduced us to Mowgli in The Jungle Book, and the powerful Djinn in Just So Stories. In 1907, he was the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. His walk towards success was not an easy one. It may be surprising that Kipling was fired from his role as contributor to a newspaper. But he never gave up. His success story is truly an inspiration to people who are working towards reaching their goals.

Rudyard Kipling’s early struggles:

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born on December 30, 1865, in Bombay (now called Mumbai), India. At the time of his birth, his parents, John and Alice, were recent arrivals in India as part of the British Empire. The family lived well, and Kipling was especially close to his mother. His father, an artist, was the head of the Department of Architectural Sculpture at the Jeejeebhoy School of Art in Bombay. Life was not easy for him.

At the age of six, Kipling’s life torn apart when his mother, wanting her son to receive a formal British education, sent him to Southsea, England, where he attended school and lived with a foster family named the Holloways. These were hard years for Kipling. Mrs. Holloway was a brutal woman who quickly grew to despise her foster son. She beat and bullied the him and he also struggled to fit in at school.

Rudyard Kipling returned back to India. He made his home with his parents in Lahore and, with his father’s help, found a job with a local newspaper. Therefore this was the very start. However things weren’t easy for him. Kipling ended fired from his role as contributor to a newspaper. And the reason for this was that his language was not up to the mark. Although it may have stung, Kipling didn’t let the editor’s comment affect him. He continued to write, and became one of the greatest authors of his time. However Kipling was not ready to give up so easily. He went ahead chasing his dreams. Kipling’s experiences formed the backbone for a series of stories he began to write and publish. They eventually assembled into a collection of 40 short stories called Plain Tales From the Hills, which gained wide popularity in England.\

Over time with his persistent efforts and hard work, Rudyard Kipling accomplished a name for himself. As a writer Kipling flourished. His work during this time included The Jungle Book (1894), The Naulahka: A Story of West and East (1892) and The Second Jungle Book (1895), among others. Around children delighted Kipling —a characteristic apparent in his writing. His tales enchanted girls and boys all over the English-speaking world. There was no turning back after this. He kept moving forward and kept his creative juices flowing. He efforts and never give up attitude aided him in his success story.

Life lessons from Rudyard Kipling’s life :

Rudyard Kipling quotes that, “If you can meet success and failure and treat them both as impostors, then you are a balanced man, my son.”. He has followed this solely in his life. In addition to writing popular children’s stories and becoming the highest paid writer in the world, Rudyard Kipling lived a life with many ups and downs. Hard work and diligence are two things that will allow you to achieve almost anything, but sometimes you do have to put in a lot of work before you can enjoy the outcome. Therefore never give up easily. Just like a garden made by intensive labor, goals are achieved by hard work. So, when you are working hard to achieve your goal, remember that you will be rewarded by a beautiful garden in the end. Success is not too far.

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What inspired Rudyard Kipling to write if?

In his posthumously published autobiography, Something of Myself (1937), Kipling said that, in writing the poem, he was inspired by the character of Leander Starr Jameson.

What impact did Rudyard Kipling have?

Rudyard Kipling is remembered for his stories and poems of British soldiers in India and for his tales for children. 

Is Mowgli a real name?

The name Mowgli is primarily a male name of English origin that has an unknown or unconfirmed meaning. Boy character in the novel “The Jungle Book” by Rudyard Kipling.

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