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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | The Success Story of the Classical Composer



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period. He was a musical prodigy, composing music by the age of 5. And during his lifetime, he wrote over 600 pieces of musical pieces. People today acknowledge Mozart as a genius composer. However, when he was still alive, he was met with failure several times: He was dismissed as a court musician, an archduke called his piece The Marriage of Figaro “noisy,” and his last three compositions flopped massively. But despite all the criticisms he faced, he never chose to give up. He kept following his passion towards writing.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s early failures

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born January 27, 1756. From childhood Mozart was very determined and serious child. His love of music came from his father, who was the assistant choir director to the Archbishop of Salzburg. When he was younger, he and his sister, Anna, performed regularly for royalty and religious echelons. At just 13, Mozart acquired considerable fluency in the musical language of his time, and he was especially adept at imitating the musical equivalent of local dialects.

In 1773, Mozart’s father tried to get him an appointment to the Imperial court in Vienna. The appointment refused and he failed to keep his position as a court musician. That failure didn’t stop the musical genius from composing. He went home and made some of his most famous pieces, including the opera Il ré pastore and Credo Mass, which is technically entitled Mass in C Major. He met another failure when he performed The Marriage of Figaro at Theatre An Per Wien. The Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was quoted as saying: “Far too noisy, my dear Mozart. Far too many notes.”. Despite these series off failures he encountered he never gave up in life.

And finally, between 1788 and 1791, Mozart met with his biggest flop. His last three compositions were a massive failures. He died tragically in 1791 at the young age of 35. Though the man was met with many rejections, he left behind a legacy full of musical genius that no one can dispute. Success in the court opera house was all-important. Joseph II had now reverted to Italian opera, and since 1783 Mozart had been seeking suitable librettos. His failures only spurred him to create more. And his failures definitely lead to success.

Life lessons from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ‘s life

Major lesson from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart teaches people is to never give up. What matters in life is to keep working order. Even when people criticize you don’t be afraid to believe in yourself. Mozart was a very practical man. His skills did not just come to him overnight. Instead, he spent time in countless concerts, he met musicians, and he listened endlessly to other peoples work. It was then that he wrote his own compositions. Keep working hard persistently. Learn from your mistakes and go ahead evolving and working on these. Success is not too far when you keep practicing hard after each failure with utmost determination.

Also Read : Winston Churchill | Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm

How did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart change the world?

A prolific artist, Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart created a string of operas, concertos, symphonies and sonatas that profoundly shaped classical music.

Who inspired Mozart?

The largest influence on Mozart had to have been his father, Leopold.

How did Mozart create?

Mozart composed his works “in his head”. The act of actually notating the music on paper – “copying out” as Mozart called it – was a necessary last step, but not, for him, part of the actual compositional process.

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